Sunday 3 January 2010

Why fight technology

Why fight technology people, when it is giving us the great freedom and beauty that you see around you. Many people often ask me, why things have to be so complicated with technology, it’s a silly question really. The only reason that things are so complicated with technology is that it is doing so much! Why fight technology when it doesn’t so much for us, technology is helping us to communicate on a global scale, which was unheard of prior to the internet, so why fight technology, after these reasons have been exposed. Have you met up with an old friend thanks to facebook or some other technology? I ask myself everyday Why fight technology, Why fight technology, Why fight technology. Sometimes I think I am the only person who wants technology to exist.

If you are sensible enough, then try to understand the great technologies that they are giving us every day, where would we be without technology. When you need to find out what time the cinema’s are or when you want to see what the train’s times are, or the next train, what do you do. You may have phoned up the companies that own these services many years ago, but now everything has been made so easy. I think that the world is in the toddler steps of the internet and as it grows and becomes a more dominant part of human technology people will understand it great uses more. On the other hand we could see what we are seeing now with technology, we could see that people become more used to it, and take it for granted even more. This is not good, however I would recommend that you take a step back and realise what the internet is doing for us.

However I am not solely talking about the internet, I am talking about other things too. Like being able to use your mobile phones. This was not as popular 10 years ago when these devices were first introduced to technology. But now they are so dominant that people tend to forget that only 10 or 15 years ago, they were virtually non-existent. Imagine having to rely on meeting someone, somewhere in the 80’s. You could be able to text them, to tell them you are going to be late. You would have to be there on time. Why is technology still fought when it has given us the advancements we need on cancer and other life threatening diseases.

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