Monday, 4 January 2010

vintage studio set-ups | Good vintage studio set up

I have been researching vintage studio set-ups recently and I have come to many conclusions, and I have been taught a lot about them, and how they work. Vintage studio set-ups range in size and colour and variety. I have been into many different and highly varying vintage studio set-ups and found out that people work in many different ways whilst doing it, you should always look at different vintage studio set-ups when building your own. When I say building, I don’t mean literally, getting a studio by bricks and mortar. I mean building your vintage studio set-up from the inside out, if you do this, you will first focus on the things that are important.

When thinking about building your vintage studio set-up, think about the amount of time that you should put into it. The more time and thought that you will give to your vintage studio set-up, the better your vintage studio set-up will be and look. I often wonder how people make their vintage studio set-ups without taking out enough time to think about what equipment they may want to use with their place of work. Your music is the most important thing and you should not let anything get in the way of that. If your studio takes around a few years to build, or whether it takes a few months, only you know what it right for your vintage studio set-up. Always think about the spacing aswell, do you want your vintage studio set-up to be crammed, or do you want it to be nice and spacey, there are pluses for both. If your components to your vintage studio set-up are crammed, this will mean that they are pretty close. When you are producing this will be good because you will be able to reach all your instruments really quickly.

however if you are someone like me that likes the look and feel of an open space environment, then you should definitely look into getting a space for your vintage studio set-up that is big enough to accommodate you and the way you work. This will (or may) obviously cost you a lot more money, but if this is the environment that you work better in, then allow it and go for it. Don’t give up until you get the perfect vintage studio set-up. Then you will always be pleased when you are working with people that enter your place of work.

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